Upscaling shoot-out. Resolve Superscale vs Topaz Video Enhance AI – is it worth it?

Today I did some 4K up scaling tests. The Material I used was an old Trailer (MP4 720p) from the film "In Memoriam" that I shot 15 years ago on a Sony FS100. I up scaled the material to 4K - first in Topaz Video Enhance AI, and than in Resolve with Superscale and an... Continue Reading →

Kodak Look for Z-Cam – free powergrade for Resolve

I got some Z-Cam material for grading lately, and since there is no way in Resolve to use a color managed workflow, I came up with my own Z-Cam workflow, throwing in some Kodak 2383/D56 film look, while at it. This is all with the tools that come with Resolve, so no third party LUTs... Continue Reading →

6 reasons why you want to shoot more often in a virtual production studio, and how to do it on a budget.

1. Save on locations and location scouting In a virtual production environment, you can get (pretty much) any location you want. There is no need to send out (and pay) location scouts to find your dream location. You can simply download it in minutes for a relative small fee, out of an - ever growing... Continue Reading →

Behind the scenes of The Blacksmith

Here is some BTS and first grabs with quick and dirty color grading from The Blacksmith. We had the opportunity to shoot in a stunning location - an actual vintage blacksmith's shop. Here are some first grabs. Technical Info: Cameras: Blackmagic Ursa Mini Pro, Pocket 4K Optics: Tokina AT-X PRO 28-70 AF/2.6-2.8, with Ultracon FilterCodec:... Continue Reading →

How I shot a feature film with 3 Dedo Lights, a China ball and 7 shower curtains

Josefina Vilsmaier, Mirijam Verena Jeremic, Salber Williams, Silke Popp, Valentina Sauca, Ute Bronder Winner "Best International Feature Film" at Toronto Film Festival Let it snow The film takes place in an apartment, during a blizzard. So my first challenge was to create a frosty white-out, despite the fact that in front of the windows where... Continue Reading →

FineCut – why you should give the Davinci Resolve Cut page a try, even as a seasoned editor.

As Blackmagic introduced the new Cut page, I was really like - WTF?Why an other editing page? We already have one that works just fine - and on top of that (at least at first glance) a totally dumbed down version of an editing page? Seriously? I switched to Resolve as my main NLE since... Continue Reading →

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