How I shot a feature film with 3 Dedo Lights, a China ball and 7 shower curtains

Los(ge)lassen Poster - Director of Photography Frank Glencairn
Josefina Vilsmaier, Mirijam Verena Jeremic, Salber Williams,
Silke Popp, Valentina Sauca, Ute Bronder
Winner “Best International Feature Film” at Toronto Film Festival

Let it snow

The film takes place in an apartment, during a blizzard. So my first challenge was to create a frosty white-out, despite the fact that in front of the windows where still trees with green leaves in the warm autumn sunshine.

Since we didn’t have the biggest budget, I got 7 cheap shower curtains and told the set designer to put them on the outside of the windows.

Worked like a charm 🙂

Los(ge)lassen - Director of Photography, Frank Glencairn

Also it gave me a pretty good diffusion, for shots near the windows, and some nice soft light as a baselight, setting the tone for a frosty, gloomy day.

Los(ge)lassen - Director of Photography, Frank Glencairn

Lights on

The camera was set to 3800 Kelvin, giving me a nice color contrast and separation between the cold light from the windows, and the warm light from the practicals.

The Practicals where all tungsten bulbs on a dimmer, to control brightness and make them even warmer. Than I augmented the practicals with 3 classic (tungsten) Dedo Lights.

Most of the time I used some sort of diffusion, bounce or book light for the Dedos. Then I did the rest of the look in Davinci Resolve.

Losgelassen Film - DP Frank Glencairn
Los(ge)lassen Bedroom- Director of Photography Frank Glencairn

This is the only scene, where we used 2 additional 4-bank Flolights (with full CTB) outside of the windows.

In the kitchen, we installed a China Ball with a 100W tungsten bulb on a dimmer as both – a practical, and for general lighting, since there are a lot of super wide scenes at and around the table – two birds with one stone.

Los(ge)lassen Kitchen- Director of Photography Frank Glencairn

There is also a candle light scene in the kitchen, where I used a flicker bulb in an open pancake. I dimmed down the China ball, to raise the overall levels a bit, the rest was again, 2 bounced Dedo lights.

Los(ge)lassen Kitchen- Director of Photography Frank Glencairn

Glas and camera

We shot on the Blackmagic Ursa MiniPro as A camera in BRAW 0 (constant quality) on C-Fast cards. Timecode was provided by Tentacles.

Ursa Mini Pro - 25mm Scorpiolenses

B-Camera was a 4K Blackmagic Pocket for the gimbal, and C-Camera a 6K Pocket for the overhead shots.

Blackmagic 4K Pocket - overhead shot

Since this was not a studio shot, where you can remove a wall and back up, but on location, and we had a lot of scenes with 4-5 actors in the shot, I opted for a lovely set of Scorpiolens 2 x anamorphics.

They are really unique glass, since they don’t show the typical artifacts (CA, oval bokeh, distortion, flares) you usually get with anamorphics – it’s almost like shooting spherical lenses, but two times wider.

KLT Rental in Munich provided me with a set of 25mm, 35mm, 50mm, and 75mm. In Hindsight I could also have used a100mm a few times.

For more information, visit the website:

Some scenes of Los(ge)lassen

Behind the scenes of Los(ge)lassen

More at:

5 thoughts on “How I shot a feature film with 3 Dedo Lights, a China ball and 7 shower curtains

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  1. Hi Frank!

    Du bist mein Kameramann-vorbild.
    Ich wünsche Dir ein langes, erfolgreiches Leben,
    gutes Grillen, den V8 und
    viele Filme! Und Gesundheit..

    Mike 🙂

  2. mike oder doch blondy der hund von adolf der nun leider den schwulen pudel spielen muss says:

    Mach so weiter!

    Du bist ein ganz grosser und feiner Kreativgeist!

    Mike 🙂

    Und möge das T-BONE 3500 GRAMM sein und möge es uns in die ewigen Jagdtdtdtdgründe von vetschi bringen–lol

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